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The MANS Difference

MANS succeeds by creating a supportive and rigorous alternative learning environment where a distinctly Cree culture is shared and thrives.

Mamawi Atosketan students are creating milestones and succeeding at new levels. Our success comes through changing attitudes and social patterns.

The MANS difference includes:

  • Student and faculty interviews to determine eligibility for admission
  • The Leon Ingraham Industrial Arts/CTS Building classes in welding, auto mechanics and construction technology (dual credit available)
  • Participation in a multi-school outdoor education week in Grades 5-9
  • Career fairs and life/work skills training comparable to that in other high schools, with additional higher education initiatives
  • Community service days that engage students with the wider community off the Reserve, in activities that instil an outward-focused, “giving back” attitude
  •  Athletic opportunities, such as a school basketball team periodically enhanced by MANS alumni and volunteer coaching, which aims to build skills and confidence while providing a haven from violence and impressment into gang service
  • A unique learning environment that leverages the will of families to challenge and alter expectations.
  • Furthermore, we actively cultivate Cree culture. The school is not controlled by any band, and the focus is on cooperative ventures. Constituent bands financially support enrichment activities that are part of the curriculum.

Alumni are choosing MANS for their children - a positive reflection on their experience.


Typhoon Haiyan & The Return of the Cupcakes: Meet our generous students, parents and staff (and special friends!) who believe in giving back and helping others.